For New Parents & Students
Parent Involvement
Each class is supervised by Teacher Carly and three parents or caregivers, providing a high adult to child ratio and ensuring that each class goes smoothly. The class representatives assign the participation schedule and create a calendar at the beginning of each month. The monthly hours required from each parent or caregiver depend on the class size and frequency. For example, Pre-K classes meet four times a week and have a pool of 13-15 adults to choose from, so parents typically end up working 3-4 times a month.
Check the Parent Agreement page for more information about adult participation in classes.
Fundraising/Committees and School Cleaning
Our various activities and fundraisers are all organized by co-op families working together on committees. For example, the Trike-A-Thon committee usually consists of a committee chair and two or three committee members who e-mail families, put up sign-up sheets for snacks, decorate the hall for the event and clean up afterwards. Each family is responsible for participating in two school committees and one fundraising committee. The Fundraising & Support page has more information about yearly fundraiser opportunities.
To keep our facility clean and safe, each family is responsible for participating in one cleaning during the school year. Cleaning crews work in teams of 3-4, and should arrange to work the shift without children in their care. NTCP families signup for their annual cleaning shift at Orientation. While essential to the welfare of our children in school, please note that cleaning days do not qualify as a parent education activity.
Each family is responsible for paying tuition at the beginning of each month or paying for the whole year in one lump sum.
Check the Fees & FInances tab in the Parent Handbook for more information.
Parent Education
Each family is required to earn eight parent education credits per year through activities such as attending orientation, taking positions on committees, attending events and so on. For the most part, routine participation in the co-op’s activities over the course of the year is more than enough to achieve this goal.
Check the Parent Education tab in the Parent Handbook for more information about ways to earn these credits. -
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year, will be open February 24, 2024! If you have any questions about the co-op, or would like to start the enrollment process, please email our Membership Chair Laura Walters at
The How To Apply page has more information about enrolling your child in NTCP.