Parent Handbook 2024-2025

  • North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool2024-2025 

    Board Members


    Adrianne Wood


    Nicole Bennion


    Kelli Schick


    Ally Eakes


    Laura Walters

    2s CLASS REP

    Alicia Terepocki

    3s CLASS REP

    Sara Young


    Katie Aldridge


    Jaime Webster


    Alden Bickford


    Katelyn Gettman


    Amanda Ahlberg


    Carly Schulze



    Amy Mackey


    Board meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at school, unless otherwise noted. All members of the co-op are welcome and encouraged to attend. Meetings are fun and interesting. You can also earn a Parent Ed credit by attending your first board meeting. 

    School Address: 2708 N. Union Ave. Tacoma, WA 98407

    Mailing Address: 2615 N Adams St. Tacoma, WA 98407

    Classroom Phone Number: 253-571-1591

    Board Roles

    President – The President is the Chief officer of the school, with general supervision and control of the affairs of the school, subject to the control of the Executive Board. The President also calls and presides at all Membership and Executive Board Meetings. The President and Treasurer together are the authorized signers of all documents and checks for the school. The President has power over the Board in times of emergency, until such time as a special or regular meeting of the membership may be called. The President may also fill vacancies on the Board, with their approval, until an election can be held. The President serves on the nomination committee for the following term, and is considered ex-officio member of all functioning committees. The President acts as liaison between Staff, Board and membership, and accepts any constructive suggestions and expressions of dissatisfaction for referral to the Board. The President is the primary contact with the facility administrator concerning use of facilities. The President keeps Membership informed of all rules, procedures and Executive Board decisions, and is responsible for the orientation of new Board members. The President attends all Executive Board meetings and required workshops at Bates Technical College. The President holds a set of school keys. Contact the President for questions about administration of the school, using the school’s name in the community, or to get a message to all families.

    Vice President – The Vice President plans work parties, oversees committees throughout the year, including organizing and supervising them. The Vice President is also is familiar with all the President’s duties and responsibilities, and can also attend informational workshops at Bates Technical College in absence of the President. The Vice President attends all Executive Board meetings. Contact the Vice President for questions to check on standing committee assignments and any questions regarding committees.

    Treasurer - The Treasurer receives school funds and deposits them into a school account. The President and Treasurer together are the authorized signers of all documents and checks for the school. The Treasurer disburses funds as approved by the Executive Board, keeps accurate records to reflect the financial condition of the school, and submits a financial statement each month to the Executive Board. The Treasurer handles all Federal and State taxes due quarterly, as well as employees’ withholding tax. The Treasurer serves as Chairperson for the Budget Committee, comprised of her/himself, the President, the Membership Chair and the Bates Coordinator, and presents the annual budget to the Board. The Treasurer collects registration fees, monthly tuition, and fines, if any, from each member. The Treasurer maintains a register by name of all fees collected and sends receipts upon request. The Treasurer maintains a complete set of books, and is responsible for securing adequate property and liability insurance. The Treasurer will secure an audit of the books at the end of each school year. The Treasurer attends all Executive Board meetings and attends information workshops for Treasurers at Bates Technical College. Contact the Treasurer if tuition cannot be paid, or if you have questions regarding tuition, reimbursements, or any other financial information.

    Secretary – The Secretary is responsible for giving notice of all meetings, both to Membership and Board with help of the Class Reps. The Secretary takes minutes at all Board meetings, and establishes and maintains files of the School records, reports and communications. The Secretary performs all clerical tasks of the School not specifically delegated to others, such as answering all correspondence as directed from the Board, and reports on it to the Parents at the Membership meetings. The Secretary has available the Standing Rules and Constitution and maintains an adequate number of copies for information and circulation, and records all changes to the Standing Rules and Constitution. The Secretary attends all Executive Board meetings and attends the Secretaries’ workshop held by Bates Technical College. Contact the Secretary to obtain any and all information on any past or current business of the school as noted in the minutes.

    Membership – The Membership chair is responsible for the program of recruiting new members into the school, and for maintaining maximum enrollment as provided by the Standing Rules. The Membership Chair receives inquiries and applications for membership, meets and arranges for prospective members to visit the school, instructs new members on school procedures, activities, obligations, etc. The Membership Chair determines with the Staff whether applicants meet the qualifications for enrollment, and notifies applicants of the date their child may begin school. The Membership Chair keeps an up-to-date current membership list, with names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails. The Membership Chair receives requests for leaves of absences and resignations, and notifies the proper Board Members of any change in Membership. The Membership Chair attends all Executive Board meetings and submits quarterly Bates Technical College tracking information to the Treasurer, and attends informational workshops at Bates Technical College. The Membership Chair holds a set of school keys. Contact the Membership Chair if a friend wants to join the school, for questions about registration, or to update your address or contact information.

    Class Representative (one per class) – Class Representatives prepare monthly classroom work and snack schedules, post them on the bulletin board in the classroom, and distributes them to appropriate parents. Class Representatives introduce new members who enter the class midyear to the rest of the class, and are responsible for their parent training prior to their first day of working in the classroom. Class Representatives act as a liaison between Staff, Board and parents. Class Representatives are responsible for communicating with families regarding school meetings, events, communicable diseases, etc. Class Representatives attend all Executive Board meetings and informational workshops for Class Reps at Bates Technical College. Contact your Class Representative if you have questions regarding the work schedule or if there is anything you want to bring to the attention of the Board on behalf of your child’s class.

    Communications – The Communications Chair coordinates all public relations for the school. The Communications Chair maintains the school website and email lists, and keeps school domain name and hosting service accounts in good standing in coordination with the school treasurer. The Communications Chair manages permissions for other board members to contribute posts to the school website. The Communications Chair keeps the school activities before the public through the school website, social media, and fliers and posters as needed. The Communications Chair assists other board members in publicizing school events, activities, and parent education opportunities.The Communications Chair attends all Executive Board meetings and informational workshops at Bates Technical College. Contact the Communications Chair if you know of any organization or meeting in the community where we should have a representative in attendance, if you have ideas for a newspaper story about the school, or ideas or submissions for or questions about the school website or email.

    Parent Education – The Parent Ed Chair arranges and maintains the school’s parents education program within the basic policies established by the Board and Staff, and works closely with the Staff and Board in planning the parent education program. The Parent Ed Chair works to publicize Bates Technical College parent education opportunities and other appropriate activities, and arranges for the speakers, films and exhibits as necessary. The Parent Education Chair attends all Executive Board meetings and informational workshops at Bates Technical College. Contact the Parent Ed Chair with ideas relating to the Parent Education Program, or to check on the status of your family parent education credits.

    Fundraising – The Fundraising Chair organizes and oversees all fundraisers and determines member obligations for fundraising for the year. The Fundraising Chair attends all Executive Board meetings and informational workshops at Bates Technical College.Contact the Fundraising Chair for questions regarding fundraising activities or donations to the school.

    Teacher – The teacher comprises the school Staff, and is responsible for the planning and execution of all school curriculum and classroom activities. The teacher attends all Executive Board meetings and monthly inservice workshops at Bates Technical College. The teacher also holds a set of school keys. Contact the Teacher for questions about your child, the daily school program and classroom routines, or if you have changes or additions to your child’s emergency or release forms.

    Bates Coordinator – The Bates Coordinator is a faculty member of the Bates Technical College Child Studies Department and is the official liaison between the school and Bates. The Bates Coordinator provides advice and support to the Teacher regarding early childhood education, child development and working collaboratively with families. The Bates Coordinator attends all Executive Board meetings providing advice to the Board on the operation of the school. The Bates Coordinator visits each preschool class on a monthly basis, providing for both formal parent meetings and informal conversations with parents regarding child rearing strategies. Contact the Bates Coordinator with questions about Bates Technical College classes or resources, or for general parenting or school advice.

  • When your child is sick with a communicable disease, such as lice or chicken pox, contact Health and Safety.

    If you cannot volunteer as a parent on your assigned day, try to switch with a parent in your class. If you are unsuccessful, contact the Class Representative.

    If you have a question about your working schedule, contact the Class Representative for your class.

    If your child must miss class, contact Teacher Carly.

    If you have a question about classroom routine, discipline or change in emergency form or child release form, contact Teacher Carly.

    If you have a question about your committee job, contact Vice President.

    If you have a question about tuition or reimbursement, contact Treasurer.

    If you have a change of address or phone, contact Membership.

    Any other questions, contact President.

    Please keep your child home if they experience…

    Vomiting (2 or more times in 24 hours)

    Fever (child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school)

    Rashes, lice, or nits (especially with an itch) 

    Diarrhea (3 or more watery stools in 24 hours) 

    Eye infection (thick or mucus or pus draining) 

  • Statement of Purpose

    The Cooperative Preschool exists for the purpose of enriching the experience of young children and their parents. It is made up of a group of parents, children, and professionals who are involved together in learning and growing. 

    Parent’s Agreement 

    We, the parents of North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool, agree to fulfill our participation, financial, and safety responsibilities in the following ways: 

    Participation - we agree to: 

    Earn a minimum of eight (8) parent education credits 

    ● Provide a nutritious snack as scheduled 

    ● Participate in two school committees, including one fundraising committee one school cleaning 

    ● Participate in one school cleaning 

    ● Work in the classroom as scheduled on assigned days and to exchange dates with another enrolled parent in case of emergency 

    NTCP’s Board primarily communicates via email. It is essential that you provide the Membership Chair a valid email address with your registration paperwork that you check on a regular basis. 

    Financial Responsibilities - we agree to pay: 

    ● The registration fee upon completion of the registration form 

    ● The Bates enrollment fee at the beginning of each school year 

    ● Pay tuition on time, by the first of the month, one month in advance, whether or not our child is able to attend 

    ● Participate in fundraising activities as outlined by the Fundraising Chair 

    Safety - we agree to: 

    ● Keep the child home if there are signs of a cold, flu, or any other communicable disease 

    ● For field trips maintain the family car in safe driving condition, carry adequate liability insurance, and a valid driver’s license 

    ● Alert Teacher or your Class Rep. if you see any unsafe school conditions or your child or family has any signs of disease that may affect school members 

    The full participation of all members is the key to making North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool the best school possible for our children. Enjoy watching your child grow and gain new friendships; as well as yourself. 

    Background Screening: 

    ● Any adult volunteer that participates in co-op must also pass a Washington State Patrol Background check (WATCH program)

    If you have any questions regarding this – please speak to the board president or membership chair.

  • Bulletin Board & Teacher’s Door 

    Please check these areas often for upcoming events, as well as other information pertaining to preschool. 


    Newsletter, school notices and your child's’ artwork will be in your cubby. Please check your cubby and read your school notices regularly; take home art work after every class session. 


    Co-op members may check out resources on parenting, children’s books and videos at the Bates Technical College Library.


    If you should need scholarship funds, you can obtain an application for scholarship from the Treasurer. Please note that this is a confidential form and will only be viewed by the scholarship committee. 


    Please talk to Teacher if you wish to bring a visitor to school. Due to our liability policy, we can only accept adult visitors. 

    Field Trips 

    Each parent is responsible for transporting their child to and from field trip locations. You may make arrangements outside of the preschool for another parent to drive your child. Siblings are not allowed on field trips, and Teacher is not permitted to drive with preschool children. 

    Leave of Absence

    Pregnant mothers or adopting parents whose due date or adoption date falls during the academic school year will be allowed six weeks leave. Babywearing while working in the classroom is permitted. A reasonable amount of time to be determined by the executive board is allowed for surgery, illness, accidents or similar event. 

    Bates Technical College 

    North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool is affiliated with Bates Technical College, Home and Family Life Department. Bates provides us with monthly workshops for Teachers, trains and advises our school Board, and serves as a resource for our preschool. 

    Through our affiliation with Bates we receive a variety of educational services. We strive to plan a developmentally appropriate program for children and offer many educational opportunities to parents and families. 

    Our Bates Instructor is Amy Mackey The Bates Resource Center is open to all Bates Co-op Families. Information on upcoming programs are listed in the calendar. 

    The Resource Center is open: Tuesday, 4:00 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. & Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

  • The financial information of the preschool is a matter of public record and available to all members. A budget for the present school year is available on request. If you have any questions about finances, please contact the school treasurer at

    Annual Bates Fees for 2024-2025 are: 

    2s - $102 ($34 per Quarter)

    3s - $153 ($51 per Quarter)

    Pre-K - $204 ($68 per Quarter)

    Tuition is payable September (first five weeks) and monthly November through May. If you choose to pay monthly, it is with the understanding that you are obligated to pay the entire nine months, as long as you are enrolled in the preschool. There is also the option of paying for the entire year in advance. 

    The monthly tuition payments (Late September – May) for 2025-2026 are: 

    2s - $83 

    3s - $117 

    Pre–K - $160 

    The tuition payment is due by the first of each month. Look for recurring emails from Jovial to review your balance and payment history. Payments should be paid online through Jovial or placed in the locked mailbox in the classroom. Families are asked to donate the credit card processing fee for payments through Jovial. All non-digital tuition payments should be paid with check or money order and payable to NTCP. Please do not hand payments to Teacher Carly. No cash will be accepted for any tuition/fees or fundraising payments. If payments are made after the 10th of the month, a $5.00 late fee will be charged.

  • Fundraising is essential to ensuring the long-term financial health of our school. In an effort to keep tuition affordable for families seeking a quality preschool education, we run an annual budget gap that averages $19,000.00. Without contributions from families, alumni, local business, etc., we cannot bridge this gap. 

    This year, instead of individual family fundraising goals, we are focusing on a school-wide fundraising goal. This means that some families will raise more money than others, but the idea is that every family contributes to the school as much as they can. It breaks down to roughly $400 per family. We have plans for several great fundraisers throughout the year, which will hopefully raise all of the money the school needs to cover the year’s costs. You will hear more about these fundraisers as the year goes on, and our Fundraising Chair, as well as your class reps, will have lots of information about how each family can contribute. 

    Many employers offer matching gift programs that make your donation even more impactful. If your employer has a matching program, please inquire about the steps necessary to designate the North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool as a recipient. Your tax-deductible gift to the school will help us to do a variety of things, such as improve facilities, purchase school supplies, replace toys and equipment, take field trips, and retain our wonderful teacher. If you would like to participate in or sponsor any of these events, please contact our Fundraising Chair.

  • Why? 

    Every family is required to obtain at least eight (8) parent education credits per year as set forth by the Bates Home and Family Life Department and Organization for Parent Education Programs in Washington (OPEP). 

    Ways to Obtain Parent Education Credits 

    1. Parent orientation (required) (one credit per person, maximum of two credits per family). 

    2. Classroom training (required) (one credit per person, maximum of two credits per family). 

    3. Attend a training workshop at Bates related to your board or committee position or a monthly parent education workshop presented by Bates. 

    4. Attend a board meeting (one credit per year). Board members receive two credits per year. North Tacoma Co-op Board meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month. 

    5. Committee positions (one credit for satisfactorily completing at end of the year as determined by the board). 

    6. Attend a Bates parent share session*. (one credit per session). 

    7. Co-op family events/trainings (one credit per family per event). 

    What is a Parent Share Session? 

    Parent Share Sessions are daytime parent education meetings with our Bates Instructor. Meetings are held at the preschool while the children are in class. The Bates Instructor is available for the duration of your child’s class session to discuss parenting concerns from child development to discipline methods. This is an informative yet relaxed and supportive discussion.

  • 2s Parents: Plan to attend class with your child through October, or until your child shows readiness to be without you, as determined by Teacher Carly. 

    Working Parents: Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before class to help with greeting children & families and classroom set-up. Use the “cheat sheets” to follow along with the daily schedule and follow along with your tasks for the day. 

    Non-working Parents: Please, if you are NOT a classroom working parent, plan to come no earlier than 5 minutes before class is scheduled to start. This is teacher-prep time. 

    Not coming today? Please text Teacher Carly, 253-905-7475, to let her know that you are unable to attend. 

    Outside toys are allowed only on your child’s sharing day. Please do not bring them unless it is your turn to share. 

    Gum, candy, & pop are not allowed at school. Hot beverages and cigarettes need to remain outside of the classroom. 

    For safety sake, flip-flops are not allowed in the classroom. Tennis shoes are preferred.

  • 1. Wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before handling food or drink. 

    2. Set-out placemats (with the aid of a child). Check placemats for allergies! 

    3. Set up tables with snacks, cups, napkins, and containers of juice/water/milk. 

    4. After the children have said thanks, serve the beverage and a snack. Please use gloves when handling unwrapped food. 

    5. Juice needs to be 100% Real Fruit Juice and needs to be brought in an unopened container or to be mixed at school from a concentrate. 

    Super Snack Suggestions 

    Snacks served at school should be nutritious. It’s not too early to practice eating foods good for our bodies! Here are a few suggestions for snacks appropriate for school. Involve your child in selecting foods when you’re the snack parent. It’s also fun if you can coordinate the snack with our themes (for example: cherries on red day or pumpkin muffins during pumpkin week). 

    ● Fruit kabobs with cheese 

    ● Mini muffins low in sugar and fat 

    ● Breadsticks 

    ● Mini bagels with cream cheese 

    ● Celery with cheese spread 

    ● Apples 

    ● Fresh fruit: kiwi, pineapple, banana, halved grapes, strawberries, pears, oranges, watermelon. 

    ● Dried fruit: i.e. apricots, pineapple, pear, etc. 

    ● Cheese: cubes, grated, sticks, string 

    ● Rice cakes with spread 

    ● Graham crackers with apple slices 

    Please remember we are a nut-free school. Check placemats for allergies.

  • We will celebrate “Special Person Day,” because many children do not celebrate their birthday during the school year. This special day may or may not coincide with your child’s birthday. This is a day for each child to feel extra special and be recognized individually as an important member of our class. We are hoping you will become involved with your child when it is their turn to be the “Special Person” by participating in the occasion as much as possible. 

    Your child’s special day should begin at home, be enthusiastic about their special day at school. Work together to create their “Special Person Day” poster that will be shared with their classmates. Bring a snack that the two of you have chosen together; this can be a favorite food, but please try to stay nutritious. 

    The “Special Person,” will receive a crown to make and wear then take home with them to keep. At the end of the day, the “Special Person,” will be honored at circle time and will talk about their “Special Person” poster. 

    Ask Teacher Carly for the Special Day Suitcase list before your child’s special day. Help your child pick five items that are very special to him or her. Help fill out the form that tells why they selected the items. Having your child share the list and the reasons they selected the items with you before school will help ensure that your child is prepared to explain the items to their classmates. For example, your child might choose her baby doll. her favorite blanket, a storybook, a picture of the family, and a stuffed toy. 

    Most of all; have fun celebrating what a “Special Person” your child is to their family and friends!

  • Cultivate a calm attitude when talking or working with children. A quiet manner helps prevent excitement and over-stimulation. 

    Rules are simple and basic. A child is free to explore as long as he/she: 

    a) does not hurt self or others 

    b) does not destroy equipment or material 

    c) does not disturb others. 

    In giving directions, be sure that the child understands. When you talk to children, get to their level both in your choice of words and by bending down. 

    A child is not forced to participate. Some children need a “looking on” period before they are willing to try a new activity or participate in a group experience. 

    Suggest the next specific act when a child dawdles. “Where is your towel?” when a child continues washing too long. 

    Give the child a choice of action when feasible. Ask: “Where would you like to put up your train here or there?” This gives the child a personal interest in the situation and develops her initiative and independence. 

    Offer the child a choice only when you can accept his negative reply. Don’t say, “Do you want to go to the toilet?” when it is time to go! 

    Let your child learn by experience. Encourage him to help himself; offer assistance only when it is necessary to avoid a feeling of failure or discouragement. Perhaps you could do it faster and better for him, but through doing it himself, the child is learning. 

    Encourage the child whenever possible, especially after a disappointment or infraction of the rules. “We’ll try again tomorrow,” give hope. “That was hard work, but you certainly kept trying” recognizes the effort, regardless of the product. 

    Children may need help in learning how to use items such as paste, paint, and water. When possible, however, let them experience it in their own way. Avoid making models or samples for the children to copy. Judgments of the final product aren’t necessary. 

    Use DO’s instead of DON’Ts. “Do drink your juice, Mary” instead of, “Don’t jiggle your glass.” 

    Give children fair warning before interrupting their activity. “OK, we are going to clean-up or put away our toys in 5 minutes.” 

    When children are in social conflict let them work through it if they can. Remember that sharing is a concept foreign to two-year-olds, and just emerging in three- and four-year-olds. Step in when it is necessary to avoid injury or to suggest a possible solution. 

    Disapprove of the act and not the child. “What you did made me very angry.” 

    ● Avoid discussing children in their presence. 

    ● Most important—relax and enjoy yourself.

    Limit cell phone use to taking photos only. Any other cell phone use done in the classroom should be for emergencies only 

  • The preschool board works diligently to ensure that the school operates in a healthy and safe manner. To that end, NTCP adheres to the State of Washington Risk Manual and Records. In addition, each year the school will have a member of the board Health and Safety Chair specifically focused on issues and policies focused on the health and safety of our students, families, and employees. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please forward them to the Health and Safety Chair. 

    In the event of bad weather or other safety hazards, to include a classroom temperature under 50 degrees, the president, with the advice of the teacher and Bates coordinator/instructor may close school for that day. The school will automatically be closed when Tacoma Public School Kindergarten programs are not in session. Make-up days are not required, but may be offered at the discretion of the executive board and Teacher, and are dependent on the current class schedule. 




    Article 1: NAME

    Article 2: PURPOSE






    Article 8: TEACHER


    Article 10: LEAVE OF ABSENCE

    Article 11: MATERNITY LEAVE

    Article 12: RISK MANAGEMENT


    Article 14: COMMITTEES

    Article 15: AMENDMENTS

    Article 1: Name

    Section 1: The name of this organization shall be North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool (abbreviated as NTCP).

    Article 2: Purpose

    Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be; to provide for the individual development of the child, to provide group experience for the child, and to further the education of the parents or guardians in principles of child guidance.

    Section 2: In support of these goals, NTCP shall maintain membership in the Parent Child Preschool Council (PCPC) coordinated by the Child Studies Department of Bates Technical College (CSD/BTC).

    Section 3: In further support of these goals NTCP shall conduct three classes as follows:

    1. The 2’s
    2. The 3’s
    3. Pre-K

    Section 4: In addition to the classes indicated in Section 3, NTCP may elect to conduct additional enrichment classes that support these goals and are supported by the membership (such as “Music Fun”).

    Article 3: Membership Eligibility

    Section 1: The parents/guardians of an enrolled student shall be considered members of the school. Each family shall have one vote on all matters requiring a membership vote.

    Section 2: The school shall not discriminate against students, prospective students or their parents/guardians on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin or physical handicap.

    Section 3: To be eligible for enrollment in the 2’s, 3’s or Pre-K class, a prospective student must have reached the age of 2, 3, or 4 by August 31 of the year in which that perspective student plans to attend. Exceptions can be approved by the executive board and are subject to a 30 day trial period in the classroom.

    Section 4: The executive board reserves the right to ask withdrawal of any child or parent who seems unable to adjust to the school’s requirements, whose actions are detrimental to the school, or if it is agreed that the program does not meet the needs of the child and/or parent.

    Section 5: The parent/guardians of the students shall provide or arrange for daily transport to and from the school for their own children.

    Section 6: Parents/Guardians will provide or arrange for transportation to and from school field trips for their own children.

    Section 7: Prior to the first day of school, each parent/guardian must provide a completed registration packet, including the following for each enrolled student:

    1. A completed Certificate of Immunization in accordance with Washington state law.
    2. A completed Emergency Consent Form authorizing the school to obtain emergency care for that student should he or she require immediate medical assistance in the absence of and inability to contact the parent/guardian.

    Section 8: Each family is required to furnish a classroom volunteer who periodically serves as a “working parent” during class time. As part of the School’s lease agreement with Tacoma Public Schools, all volunteers are required to undergo a background check using the Washington State Patrol’s WATCH program. The background check will be run as part of the registration process.

    The School will notify the volunteer applicant of the Washington State Patrol’s response within 10 days of obtaining the results of the search.

    Article 4: Executive Board and Elected Officers

    Section 1: The school maintains an Executive Board of Elected officers consisting of the following:

    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Communications Chair
    6. Membership Chair
    7. Parent Education Chair
    8. Fundraising Chair
    9. Class Representative(s) (from each class)
    10. Health/Safety Chair

    Section 2: The duties of each officer shall be enumerated in the school’s Standing Rules.

    Section 3: There will be two additional positions to the executive board:

    1. The Teacher (a non-voting position)
    2. A CSD/BTC instructor will serve as an advisor to the executive board (a non-voting position).

    Section 4: The executive board shall have the following duties:

    1. Hold business meetings at least monthly and make a report of these meetings available to the membership.
    2. Transact the necessary business between regular meetings and vote on any issues that may not be covered by the Constitution and Standing Rules.
    3. Provide monthly parent education opportunities in cooperation with CSD/BTC.
    4. Recommend additions and amendments to the Constitution and Standing Rules.
    5. Hire the teacher and provide her/him with an annual contract.
    6. Negotiate a facility use agreement.
    7. Plan fundraising activities.

    Section 5: The Executive Board may choose to add co-positions to any of the positions mentioned in Section 1, with one single voting right shared for that position.

    Article 5: Standing Rules and Operating Procedures

    Section 1: A set of Standing Rules & Operating Procedures (“Standing Rules”) shall be enacted by the executive board and made available to the Membership at Orientation.

    Section 2: The teacher, the BTC/HFLD Bates coordinator/instructor, or any other member may submit to the executive board proposed amendments to the Standing Rules.

    Section 3: The Standing Rules may be amended by a simple majority of the Executive Board.

    Article 6: Membership Responsibilities

    Section 1: Upon enrollment, a student’s parent/guardian (individually, jointly or in combination with a spouse or co-guardian) must fulfill the following requirements further detailed in the

    Standing Rules:

    1. Attend all Parent Orientation and Parent Training Meetings. A parent/guardian of a student who enrolls in the School after the beginning of the School year must attend an orientation/training session with the appropriate class representative prior to working in the classroom.
    2. Submit all required forms and comply with the Preschool Agreement as stated in the Standing Rules.
    3. Participate as a working teacher-assistant under the direction of the teacher.
    4. Be responsible for assigned working days and arrange for a substitute in case of emergency or unavoidable absence.
    5. For liability reasons, when working or observing in the classroom, refrain from bringing any child who is not enrolled in the class. A child less than 8 months old may be brought to class as long as he or she remains in a front carrying baby pack.
    6. Attend one regular Parent Education opportunity for each month child is enrolled in the School (a total of 8), or participate in alternative parent education activities/programs as approved by the executive board.
    7. During the school year, serve as a working member on two committees or participate in an alternative activity as determined appropriate and approved by the executive board.
    8. Be responsible for assigned days for monthly cleaning and arrange for a substitute if unable to attend.
    9. Participate in fundraising activities or contribute the alternative monetary amount as stated in the Standing Rules.
    10. Give one month’s notice to the membership chair is withdrawing a student from the school.

    Section 2: Failure to fulfill responsibilities enumerated in the article may be cause for the executive board to consider termination of the family’s membership and withdrawal of the student from the school.

    Article 7: Fees and Financing

    Section 1: Only the treasurer and one other elected officer designated by the executive board may sign checks.

    Section 2: The school shall be a non-profit organization with all funds remaining in the treasury at the end of the school year. In the event of dissolution of the school, the remaining funds and equipment shall be donated to any non-profit, charitable, educational, or religious organization as exempt under section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (the “code”).

    Section 3: The school is organized and shall be operated exclusively for the educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (C)(3) of the Code. In compliance with the Code “the school shall not carry on any activities precluded by the Internal Revenue Code for an organization exempt from taxation under said section, nor shall it discriminate against members, prospective members, or their children on the basis f sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or physical handicap. This non-discrimination policy includes, but is not limited to all facets of the school’s operations including its administrations policy, its extracurricular activities, and any other similar activity. The school will not maintain separate facilities nor partition existing facilities into separate sections on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin or physical handicap.”

    Section 4: Tuition and registration rates for each class will be determined by the executive board and reflected in the Standing Rules.

    Section 5: Tuition is due as stated in the Standing Rules.

    Section 6: Registration fees are non-refundable and must be paid before the child’s first day of class.

    Article 8: Teacher

    Section 1: The teacher shall be hired by the executive board and shall be offered a contract on a yearly basis. Neither this appointment nor any employee policy rule, or regulation shall be construed as providing the teacher with an enforceable expectancy of continuing guaranteed employment.

    Section 2: At least thirty days’ notice is required for termination of the teacher’s contract by either party for any reason.

    Section 3: The executive board shall determine the teacher’s salary.

    Article 9: School Term and Emergency Closures

    Section 1: The school year will be determined by the executive board as contained in the School’s Standing Rules.

    Section 2: In the event of bad weather or other safety hazards, to include a classroom temperature under 50 degrees, the president, with the advice of the teacher and coordinator/instructor may close school for that day. The school will automatically be closed when Tacoma Public School Kindergarten programs are not in session. Make up days are not required but may be offered at the discretion of the executive board and Teacher and are dependent on the current class schedule.

    Article 10: Accidents or Illness

    Section 1: In the case of accidents or serious illness, a parent/guardian shall be notified immediately. In the event that they cannot be reached, the sick or injured child shall be taken to the nearest hospital and the family doctor on file shall be notified.

    Section 2: The school shall carry liability insurance policy the adequacy of which will be reviewed yearly by the executive board.

    Section 3: Any child who has a communicable disease, to the knowledge of the parent/guardian must be kept home throughout the communicable period of the disease and report it to the health and safety chair.

    Section 4: At the discretion of the Teacher, any child with an indication of illness can be sent home.

    Article 11: Leave of Absence

    Section 1: Pregnant mothers whose due date falls during the academic year will be allowed six weeks leave to use at their discretion. Adopting mothers whose date of adoption falls during the academic year will be allowed six weeks leave to use at their discretion.

    Section 2: A reasonable amount of time, to be determined by the executive board, shall be allowed for surgery, illness, accidents, or similar event.

    Section 3: All requests for leave of absence shall be made to the membership chairperson for executive board approval.

    Article 12: Risk Management

    Section 1: The school and all its members shall adhere to the State of Washington Risk Manual and Records.

    Article 13: Elections

    Section 1: Fifty percent of members shall be considered at quorum. A vote by simple majority shall be considered binding.

    Section 2: In March, nominations for officers of the executive board shall be made by a nominating committee consisting of three other members appointed by the executive board; to include one member of the current executive board. Voting for the following year shall occur in April by written secret ballot at which time write-in votes may be cast. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority.

    Section 3: The term of office shall be for one year beginning the last day of school, with many duties being assumed in advance, at the May transitional board meeting. Outgoing officers should meet with their successors prior to the May meeting. The outgoing treasurer will continue her duties through June 30, to complete necessary filings for the fiscal year, though his or her voting rights will terminate on the last day of school.

    Section 4: Any vacancy in an elective office occurring after April elections shall be filled as it occurs by a simple majority vote of the executive board.

    Article 14: Appointed Committees

    Section 1: Individual chairpersons will assume committee duties as detailed in the Standing Rules.

    Article 15: Amending the Constitution

    Section 1: The Constitution of North Tacoma Cooperative Preschool shall be amended by a simple majority vote of the membership, acting on the recommendation of the executive board.

    Approved by executive board 4/15/98
    Corrections made and approved 6/16/98
    Corrections made 3/8/05, approved 3/22/05
    Amendments proposed and approved 4/27/06
    Amendments proposed and approved 1/10/08
    Amendments proposed and approved 4/16/09, corrected 5/28/09